Toad of Toad Hall
May 2014
Director: Connie Jensen
This was my first visit to ‘The John Peel Theatre’ to see a production by a new member of Noda. What a beautiful little theatre it is.
Toad of Toad Hall, the famous tale by AA Milne based on the ‘Wind in the Willows’ characters, was very well performed by this young talented company.
All the main characters were very strong. Ben Dixey was an excellent Toad, his only problem for me were his very noisy shoes, which became quite annoying!!!!. Otherwise he was very good. Megan Wharton played a convincing Mole, as did Jennifer Rasburn as Badger. All the other characters were good and the show moved along at a good place.
The villains of the play, ‘The Wild Wooders were a very young formidable outfit, who as in all good stories got their cum-uppence in the end.
The set worked extremely well as did the lighting, and the play was very convincing. Sadly the audience on the night we were there could have been bigger. The talented cast deserved better.
Well done to everyone concerned with the production this talented little club should now go from strength to strength. There is certainly plenty of talent in Wigton.
I look forward to many more visits to this new member.
Ed McGee 19th June 2014. NODA (National Operatic and Dramatic Association)